Product Catalog

The quality of any kitchen lies in its raw materials. Whether it is spices for an entrée, flour for a dessert, or even the sugar for a cup of coffee, the highest quality of ingredients is integral. Through research, attention to detail and experience, Le Farinier has chosen their suppliers from only the best in their respective industries.

If you have the best bakery equipment, your pastries just won’t be as delectable without the perfect chocolate. Utilize our expert knowledge of baking and restaurant supplies from an accumulated experience working in wholesale supply.

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For any kitchen, your equipment is an essential investment that you must be able to rely on. If the tools you need end up holding you back, your business can find itself struggling to keep up in the already competitive industry. With a wealth of restaurants in Beirut our experience has taught us that even the best restaurants and bakeries can have difficulties from even the smallest of mistakes.


If you have the best bakery equipment, your pastries just won’t be as delectable without the perfect chocolate. Utilize our expert knowledge of baking and restaurant supplies from an accumulated experience working in wholesale supply.

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